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Song Library

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Search our song database below, then call us and tell us what you want to hear at 423-697-4406.

Title Song Title
Stiff Little Fingers Alternative Ulster
Stiff Little Fingers At the Edge
Stiff Little Fingers Gotta Getaway
Stiff Little Fingers Guitar & Drum
Stiff Little Fingers Straw Dogs
Stiff Little Fingers Suspect Device
Stiff Little Fingers Wasted Life
Stiffed It's Unanimous (Ow-Ow!)
Still Corners Fireflies
Stills, The Being Here
Stills, The Destroyer
Stills, The In the Beginning (5:41)
Stills, The She's Walking Out
Stills, The Still in Love Song
Stillwater Mind Bender
Sting Can She Excuse My Wrongs
Sting Christmas At Sea
Sting Englishman in New York
Sting Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (2010)
Sting I Hope the Russians Love Their Children